Customer Privacy Notice – Taiwan

Our mission is to create a world in which customers ask, “How did I ever live without Coupang?” In order to accomplish this mission, we must collect and use personal information about our customers. However, we are committed to managing that personal information in a way that is transparent, responsible, and secure.

The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to explain how Coupang Taiwan Co., Ltd. (“Coupang”) collects, uses, and shares customer personal information. This Privacy Notice includes the following sections:

1. Collecting
3. Data Transfer
4. Protecting
5. Retaining
6. Deleting
7. Exercising choice
8. Cookies and Device IDs
9. Asking questions
10. About this Privacy Notice

1. Collecting.

When you receive products/services or otherwise interact with Coupang, we may collect various types of personal information including the following:

  • Account Information: name, age, ID number (for prevention of fraud and abuses of services), gender, email, phone number, permanent address, date of birth (for age restricted purchases), account ID, and password, other contact information you have proactively provided, and other certificates or information issued or provided by government agencies due to our requests for the proposes of due diligence, identity verification and/or avoidance of scams and abuses of services.
  • Customer Service Information: records of contact with our customer service team or other Coupang staff whether via phone, email, instant messenger or social media.
  • Device Information: details of the device used to access our services including type of device and type/version of OS.
  • Location Information: the GPS location of your device when you enter or update your address or when you activate our app (the collection of this information can be disabled via your mobile device operating system).
  • Payment Information: credit card holder name, number, expiry date, security code, billing address and other information on the financial account and supporting documents required for the conversion of our payment from special Coupang Cash to cash.
  • Transaction Information: products and services purchased (including relevant photos and videos), delivery information, special requests or instructions, cancellations and refunds, and the amount of Coupang Cash or other cash rewards provided and used. If you choose to use the mobile payment or other payment methods in our app provided by a third-party service operator, the relevant payment information would be collected by such third-party service operator and it would be protected and managed in accordance with such third-party service operator ‘s privacy policy.
  • Customs Clearance Information: name and mobile phone number, delivery address, power of attorney, and Taiwan ID card number or alien resident certificate number (or if you do not have either of these documents, a copy of your passport).
  • Login and Usage Information: access to our app including logins/outs, browsing activity, software configuration and diagnostic information, IP address, network configuration, and other usage information. When you choose to log in with your valid third-party user account, information on your third-party user account and login will be provided by such third-party user account provider to us.
  • Tax /GUI Information: email, transaction time, transaction details for issuing GUI.
  • If you choose not to provide your personal information or provide incomplete personal information, we might not be able to offer you the relevant products/services mentioned herein.

Note: If you provide Coupang with the personal information of a third party (for example, where you request your order be delivered to another person), you are responsible for explaining the purpose and extent of shared personal information, and you confirm that you have obtained the third party’s consent.

2. Using.

We use the personal information we collect for the following purposes:

  • Administration: opening, managing, and closing your Coupang account.
  • Customer Service: responding to your questions, addressing and resolving complaints, providing product and service support, and troubleshooting.
  • Location Information: accelerating the delivery times of products and services. For that purpose, location Information may be combined with your name, delivery address, and delivery instructions.
  • Product and Service Purchases: processing orders and payments, facilitating the completion of your transaction with offshore sellers, performing customs clearance where required, delivering and providing products and services, verifying age when you purchase age restricted products, managing refunds, exchanges and recalls, providing Coupang Cash or other cash rewards, and making service delivery faster and more efficient.
  • Diagnostics: understanding and improving the performance of our products, services, and systems.
  • Prevention of Fraud, Suspicious Activities or abuses of Coupang Services: detecting and preventing fraud, suspicious activities, abuses of Coupang Services and other abusive behavior.
  • Marketing and Market Analysis: providing customized offers from Coupang tailored to your interests (we do not share your personal information with third parties for their own marketing purposes), or based on your browsing history, transaction record or other information you provided, conducting market analysis by Coupang or a third party it mandates so as to develop and provide better customer services in the future.
  • Legal and Regulatory: responding to requests from our regulators or other government authorities, protecting the rights of Coupang, its staff, and customers, performing tax reporting, providing GUI, and otherwise complying with applicable law.
  • Other Ancillary Matters: all ancillary matters that are conducted for the purpose of providing Coupang Services, including notifying of your relevant rights and interests, your participation in promotion or prizes offering activities, and other relevant uses within the necessary scope for the propose of providing Coupang Services.

3. Data Transfer.

We share personal information with the following parties:

  • Service Providers: with service providers (including financial institutions, payment and invoice service providers, logistics and customs brokerage service providers, and the businesses providing verification services for customs clearance, joint marketing services and other technical services) to allow Coupang to receive services or to provide services to you on behalf of Coupang. Service providers sign contracts that require them to only use personal information as directed by us (and for no other purpose) and to protect personal information according to our standards.
  • Related Companies: with related Coupang companies (i.e. affiliates) for administration, operations, and business and product/service development that are relevant to our provision of services or interactions with you.
  • Offshore Sellers: when you directly purchase products from the offshore sellers via our platform, to the extent necessary to fulfill the transaction, we will share your personal information with the offshore sellers. Please note that the aforesaid offshore sellers may have their own privacy notices which you should review.
  • Other Parties: with our regulators or other government authorities pursuant to applicable law, or as otherwise required by law.

Some of the parties above (“Recipients”) may be located in the following countries: South Korea, Singapore, the United States, and Japan. As for offshore vendors, they may be located in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Korea, the U.S.  and other countries displayed on the product details pages where offshore vendors locate.

In addition to the above, and upon your advance consent, we may transfer your personal information to a third party other than the Recipients or to Recipients in other countries. In such a case, we will separately notify you of the purpose(s) and provide you with the details of such data transfer, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations at the time you give the consent.

4. Protecting.

We use administrative, technical and physical controls and processes to keep personal information secure. Some of our protective measures include:

  • an internal privacy management plan that is regularly audited to ensure that safeguards are operating effectively;
  • security solutions such as intrusion prevention systems to protect against external unauthorized access;
  • access logs for personal information processing systems and measures to prevent tampering or alteration of the logs;
  • encryption of personal information in transit and of any critical data such as passwords;
  • 24-hour security monitoring using systems that can detect and stop network intrusion attempts and anti-virus software to prevent damage from virus infections;
  • access restriction on personal information to those staff who need access for performing specific job functions; and
  • regular training on privacy and security obligations for all staff who process personal information.
Coupang does not mask users’ mobile number, their Coupang account and National ID No. on the registration and log in pages to ensure that users can confirm that the information they input on the interface during the registration or login process is correct. In addition, as users could see their personal information such as their Coupang account, mobile number and email only after they input their passwords and such information is not as highly risked as information related to payment tools (for example, credit card number and validation information), Coupang does not mask the aforementioned information. Users shall take their own initiative and ensure the security of the devices, equipment and related log-in information that they use, and prevent others from looking at, illegally using or obtaining their log-in information, modifying their basic identify information, destroying their records and so on. Users who identify the occurrence of such situations shall immediately inform Coupang to terminate all related services and take preventative measures (including but not limited to, payment suspensions or password changes). Coupang will assist in the investigation, clarifications and fact-finding about the misuse or theft of information. However, if users deliberately or negligently cause damage, they shall bear the consequences themselves.

5. Retaining.

We keep personal information for so long as reasonably required to complete the purpose for which it was originally collected. We may keep certain personal information for a longer period where required for legitimate business purposes (such as fraud detection and prevention) or to comply with applicable law.

6. Deleting.

We delete electronic copies of personal information with technical methods that ensure the information is not recoverable. We destroy hardcopies of personal information via methods such as incineration or shredding.

7. Exercising Choice.

You have the choice to access, correct/update, delete, suspend the processing, and suspend the transfer of your personal information that Coupang holds. Exercising certain choices, such as deletion of personal information, may limit our ability to provide you with products or services. If you wish to exercise any of these choices, please contact our privacy representative at

If you wish to opt-out from receiving marketing offers, you can contact the Coupang CS center (02) 5592 7298 or or opt-out via the Coupang app (My Coupang > Select Name (manage my personal information > Push setting).

8. Cookies and Device IDs.

We use cookies (software installed on web browsers) and mobile device IDs (unique identifiers assigned to mobile devices) to collect some types of personal information. You can deactivate cookies and mobile device ID operation at any time by accessing privacy settings in your web browser or mobile device operating system.

9. Asking Questions.

If you have any questions about Coupang’s privacy practices, wish to make a complaint, or exercise privacy choices, please contact our privacy representative at

10. About this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice took effect on 9/15/2023 and was last updated as stated below. If we change the content of this Privacy Notice and such change will substantially affect the parties’ rights or obligations therein, we will post the revised ones through Coupang E-commerce or other appropriate methods, together with the effective date of the change in advance. We will obtain your advance consent to such changes where required by applicable law.

Last Updated on 1/30/2024

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