Notice to U.S. Residents

2023-10-06 19:10

Notice to U.S. Residents

The following information applies to applicants located in the United States. 

For California residents, this section serves as a Notice at Collection and sets forth any rights you may have under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). Terms used in this section have the meaning ascribed to them under the CCPA. For additional information about the Company’s data privacy practices under the CCPA, please review our Privacy Policy (

Categories  of PI we collect  or may have collected in the preceding 12 months

How we use and disclose your PI

Categories of third parties  to whom we disclose or may have disclosed PI in the preceding 12 months .

Identifiers and other contact information

(Name, email address, phone number, photo, IP address, etc.)

  • Collecting and processing employment applications.
  • Confirming eligibility for employment, background and related checks, onboarding, and related recruiting efforts.
  • Communicating with applicants about a current application or future job opportunities.
  • Confirming identity.
  • For internal audit purposes.
  • Investigating allegations; establishing, exercising or defending against allegations or legal claims against the Company and/or its personnel including civil discovery in litigation.
  • In preparation for or as part of a sale or merger of our business.



  • Third parties that perform services on our behalf.
  • Third party companies that provide tools during the hiring process.
  • Coupang Corp. and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
  • Governmental agencies and regulators.
  • Professional services providers and advisors (e.g., attorneys).
  • Successors to all or portions of our business. If all or part of our business is sold, we may disclose personal information in preparation for or as part of that transaction.

Protected Classification Information under California and federal law.

(Hispanic/Latino status, physical disability, mental disability, gender, veteran status, etc.)

  • As required by applicable law
  • Complying with statutory duties to make reasonable accommodations for job applicants and related obligations.
  • Investigating allegations; establishing, exercising or defending against allegations or legal claims against the Company and/or its personnel including civil discovery in litigation.
  • In preparation for or as part of a sale or merger of our business.




  • Third parties that perform services on our behalf.
  • Coupang Corp. and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
  • Governmental agencies and regulators.
  • Professional services providers and advisors (e.g., attorneys).
  • Successors to all or portions of our business. If all or part of our business is sold, we may disclose personal information in preparation for or as part of that transaction.

Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information

(Email communications, call logs, text messages, etc.)

  • Collecting and processing employment applications.
  • Confirming eligibility for employment, background and related checks, onboarding, and related recruiting efforts.
  • Communicating with applicants about a current application or future job opportunities.
  • Investigating allegations; establishing, exercising or defending against allegations or legal claims against the Company and/or its personnel including civil discovery in litigation.
  • For security and fraud prevention.
  • In preparation for or as part of a sale or merger of our business.



  • Third parties that perform services on our behalf.
  • Coupang Corp. and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
  • Governmental agencies and regulators.
  • Professional services providers and advisors (e.g., attorneys).
  • Successors to all or portions of our business. If all or part of our business is sold, we may disclose personal information in preparation for or as part of that transaction.

Professional and Employment-Related Information

(Background check and criminal history, professional licenses, educational degrees, adverse media checks against social media, broadcast media, blogs, and online posts, etc.)

  • Confirming eligibility for employment, background and related checks, onboarding, and related recruiting efforts.
  • Investigating allegations; establishing, exercising or defending against allegations or legal claims against the Company and/or its personnel including civil discovery in litigation.
  • As required by applicable law.
  • In preparation for or as part of a sale or merger of our business.



  • Third parties that perform services on our behalf.
  • Coupang Corp. and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
  • Governmental agencies and regulators.
  • Professional services providers and advisors (e.g., attorneys).
  • Successors to all or portions of our business. If all or part of our business is sold, we may disclose personal information in preparation for or as part of that transaction.

Education Information that is not publicly available personally identifiable information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

(College/university graduated from, grade etc.)

  • Collecting and processing employment applications,
  • Confirming eligibility for employment, background and related checks, onboarding, and related recruiting efforts.
  • Investigating allegations; establishing, exercising or defending against allegations or legal claims against the Company and/or its personnel including civil discovery in litigation.
  • As required by applicable law.
  • In preparation for or as part of a sale or merger of our business.


  • Third parties that perform services on our behalf.
  • Coupang Corp. and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
  • Governmental agencies and regulators.
  • Successors to all or portions of our business. If all or part of our business is sold, we may disclose personal information in preparation for or as part of that transaction.
  • Professional services providers and advisors (e.g., attorneys)

Sensitive Personal Information

(Hispanic/Latino status, health, etc.)

  • As required by applicable law
  • Complying with statutory duties to make reasonable accommodations for job applicants and related obligations.
  • Investigating allegations; establishing, exercising or defending against allegations or legal claims against the Company and/or its personnel including civil discovery in litigation.
  • In preparation for or as part of a sale or merger of our business.


  • Third parties that perform services on our behalf.
  • Coupang Corp. and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
  • Governmental agencies and regulators.
  • Professional services providers and advisors (e.g., attorneys).
  • Successors to all or portions of our business. If all or part of our business is sold, we may disclose personal information in preparation for or as part of that transaction.


Sources of Personal Information. We may collect your personal information from you, related entities and affiliates, social media and related services, and third parties that are lawfully entitled to share your data with us.

Retention. We retain your personal information as long as necessary for the purpose collected, to comply with legal or reporting obligations, for our legitimate needs (e.g., resolving disputes, investigating claims). To determine the appropriate retention period, we consider various factors such as the sensitivity of your information; the potential risk of unauthorized access, use or disclosure; the purposes for which we collect or process it; and applicable legal requirements or business needs. Where applicable, we retain certain personal information for 4 years in accordance with Article 12946 of the California government Code.

For California Residents only:

1) The Company

  • does not sell or share the categories of personal information listed above;
  • does not have actual knowledge that we sell or share the personal information of individuals under the age of 16 years; and
  • does not use or disclose your sensitive personal information for purposes that, with limited exceptions, are not necessary for the application related purpose for which we collect it or as reasonably expected by an average individual in this context or for other permitted purposes under the CCPA or as authorized by regulation.


2) Your Rights. As a California resident, you have the following rights, to the extent applicable:

  • The Right To Know the categories of personal information collected about you; the categories of sources; the business or commercial purposes for which that information was collected, sold, or shared; the categories of third parties to whom the information was disclosed; and the specific pieces of personal information collected.
  • The Right to Delete personal information we collected or maintain about you.
  • The Right to Request Correction of inaccurate personal information we maintain about you.
  • The Right to Non-Discrimination for the exercise of any of these Rights.

To exercise one of your rights under the CCPA, please email us at

We reserve the right to only respond to verifiable Requests to Know, Delete, or Correct and you must provide sufficient information to verify your identity and/or authority to act on behalf of the individual. In general, we may ask you to provide identifying information that we already maintain about you. We may not be able to respond to your request or provide you with personal information if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the personal information relates to you.

You may authorize a natural person or a business (i.e., Agent) to act on your behalf. When you submit a Request to Know, Correct, or Delete, the Agent must provide proof that you gave the Agent signed permission to submit the request, and you either must (i) verify you own identity with the business or (ii) directly confirm with us that you provide permission to the Agent.

Last updated: 2023.10.6


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